Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 28 – 31st March (Queen Elizabeth & Practical test Prep)

Lesson started at 1pm today.Y? Cos Daryl was down with fever and was brought to the hospital last night. Get well soon boy... As mentioned before by Ms Neo, we will be watching a movie, Queen Elizabeth. Before watching the movie, it thought it will be some lengthy movie with boring story line, SURPRISINGLY, the movie was great. We only watched 15 mins of the movie, mainly the main parts where Ms Neo thinks its essential, but still the short 15 mins makes me want to carry on watching the movie. Its interesting and meaningful i swear!!! The movie shows the leadership skills of Queen Elizabeth, she may be a female, but she possesed great skills and capabilities. She led her ministers thru crisis with no rush or fear shown, she motivate her army to boost their confident levels. She throw aside her personal affairs, putting her country's problems as her first priority.

We were given an assignment to write an essay on the movie that we watched earlier on. I didnt use much effort to complete it as i really learnt alot from the short 15 mins of video i watched. Complete the work given, did some project discussion and went off to practise the practical test tmr....

Queen Elizabeth is really a great movie, just purely 15 mins can make me feel that whatever qualities i studied ytd. And i think that i can learnt more through looking at videos, this is what Ms Neo had mentioned before a different kind of teaching methods. Would really wan to watch the full movie although we can lent ot from Ms Neo but due to the time constraints, i decided to watch it at a much later date when i have the time to....

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