Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 24 – 27th March (Wu Dang Tour & Bumpy Ride)

Woke at around 5 plus and we were all getting ready to board the bus and head to WUDANG SHAN!!! Yes! U are right, we are climbing the mountain…. Tmr.

The bus ride took us 5 hours before we reach at a restaurant to have our lunch… guess wad… one of the dishes is actually DONKEY MEAT!! YEW!!! Its cruel I knw but since its already on the table so I think I sld at least give it a try.. its kind of salty and I didn’t like it… every bite reminds me of the cute donkey that I see in Zoo… :(

After lunch, board back the bus and not long after we arrived at the ticketing area of 武当山. Other than us, there are also some other tourists which makes the area quite crowded. Board the buses specially for tourists and believe me you wouldn’t want to be in it for too long cos the ride will just get u dizzy…
We visited 3 diff sites, first is tai zi po, 太子坡, a place with several halls, worshipping several gods. Something interesting is that the temperature inside the halls are much more lower than the outside. after observing, we didnt find any air-conditioned around the room. WEIRD.. but i guess they might wan to preserve those statues inside the halls therefore lower temperature are needed... MAYBE? Tour around on our own for quite a while before boarding the tourist bus to our next destination zi xiao gong,紫霄宫. The bus journey is really killing me, making me so uncomfortable when i arrive at the next destination... haiz.. Same like tai zi po, zi xiao gong also worshipped several gods in several halls. As im a taoist, i took this opportunity to pray and hope to be blessed.

Before going to the 3rd site we went to our hotel to check in first and also to put down our bags. After the cruise trip, we didnt pin high hopes on the hotels we were checking in as we think that the condition would be around the same. Surprisely, the exterior of the hotel had already WOW us and and..... the rooms were way much better than expected.. we even had bath tubs in the room!! can u believe that?!! Its like the difference between heaven and hell.. hahahhaha. Anyway, put down our bags, and proceed to the 3rd site, which was like free and easy for us to tour around till dinner time at 630pm.. so the few of us went up the hill explore halfway thru and headed back cos its near the dinner time.. took several pics :D

Dinner at a small resturant and we were in the VIP room, only the group of us, thanks to the malay guys as the VIP room serve "special" dishes from them... Stroll back to room and watch a very hilarious tv show.. its been ages since i watch tv and i almost forgot how a TV looks like hahahahhaha. Anyway, the show was about 4 kids in groups of 2, got themselves on the street and have to find their mother on their own... its so entertaining cos they are soooo cute but its so touching when they finally found their mother. They are so brave and independent, finding their way thru the very very cold weather (around -30 plus)... turn in before 11pm cos im just too tired and got to prepare myself for tmr climb!

Feel so holy today. Being a taoist myself always thought that its just a religion didnt knw there are so much behind it. Motion sickness really kills me today, half the time i feel like puking but thanks to the gals, they accompanied me to take slow stroll and allow me time to regain my comfort level. About the Tv show we watched today is just so entertaining yet i learnt so much from it. I can see how kids at so young age could defend the cold and find their way thru back home (to their mum)..they are really so independent that makes me really think that if i am even half of wad they have.. recalling when im at their age, i dun think i can even leave my parents for a min moreover a day like they did.. they even came contact with strangers to help them thru and this really makes me as an adult, really guilty that sometimes i dun even dare to approach strangers... i can really say i learnt so so much from them...

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