Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 14 - 17th March (Lesson & Badminton)

PM Lesson as usual at 9am.. today's weather is much more warmer than any other days that we have been here. There's a short practical quiz today during lesson, and i can only say we feel so not prepared even though we did study/practise it. Every one is like trying to do the quiz first as Ms Neo say as it gets to the back of the quiz, the level of difficulty will increase too... :( Was quite nervous but still manage to complete it although more practise is needed. Went to Pala for lunch again... its near, cheap, nice and i have WATERMELON MILK TEA!!!! damn nice!!!

Lesson ended before 4pm and we, 1S03, decided to get some exercise after eating so much local delicacies since the day we came here... getting fat already :( We played badminton at the nearby badminton courtSSSSSSSSSSSSS (there is like 20 badminton courts altogether), dun knw y we feel so embarrassed maybe we are nt badminton pro and the ppl here looks like they can play badminton very very well. Anyway we just played and guess wad?! the guys actually buy the net which is tooooooo short to tie to the pole and we have to take turn to become the standing pole for the net!!!! Played for almost 3 hours (feels good!!!) before heading to the streets to buy some dinner back and start on the project discussion again... :(

Times flies today, which was really a good news as it means that i have enjoyed the time I've spent. It really feels good to exercise and this is my first time playing badminton in a foreign country!!! And i think, this is really a very good bonding exercise as we really interact and have lots of fun during the game. Putting exercise time into our schedule also helps to make us De-stress (i guess :P). everyone of us just stop whatever we are doing, be it homework or projects, and just come to together to play as a group really helps a lot in putting down the workload for a while... i realised that in Wuhan, most of the restaurant/fast food restaurant sell flavoured milk tea... banana,watermelon,honeydew,green apple etc... and it's really nice, really really nice!!!

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