Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 23 – 26th March (IS & Cherry Blossom)

IS lesson today at 9am and we gonna have lesson till 5pm for 2 parts of China's Philosophy lesson!!!! sounds very complex... ANYWAY, originally the lesson is suppose to end at 5pm today, philosophy part 1 and part 2 but our very understanding and beautiful IS lecturer, Ms Grace, wanted us to catch the perfect timing to view the Cherry Blossom that is going to wither soon. So she "squeeze" her lesson and ended the class around noon. The lesson might be shorten but still we learnt something that we might came across before. Some examples are like Daoism, Buddhism and Mohism.

Headed for lunch after that went back to dorm and we girls decided to change into the colourful leggings that we had brought ytd which we might not dare to wear in Singapore.. hahahahaha... then the 7 of us took a bread van which the driver quote us a very good price of RMB 60 from our hostel to Wuhan uni then back to our hostel again.. well even though there are no "proper" seats at the last row but we still take this van as he is charging us at a very cheap rate. So the 7 of us happily hop onto the van and headed to Wuhan Uni.

Upon reaching, we saw crowds and also tour buses in Wuhan Uni. Can see that we are not the only group that want to catch the blooming of cherry blossom. Paid Rmb50 entrance fee and walk around the school to take beautiful pics of the cherry blossom. Tour around for few hours and sat down near a volleyball court to watch some match and also to take a rest. Headed back to bread van and ask the driver if he could drive past the east lake to let us have a look since its on the way. Happily took the van back with beautiful scenery to see. THEN! when we are back, the driver charge us RMB150!!!! we thought its was RMB60 back and fourth but he claim that cos we wanted to drive past east lake so extra charges is imply which he didnt even mentioned when we were on the long journey way back!!!! Anyway, since we are already back no point arguing so we paid RMB150 the most expensive transport fee we ever paid in Wuhan.

Benefited so much during IS lesson. Heard the names before but never really knw wad it was. Thanks to Ms Grace we are able to watch cherry blossom. Its really pretty and even the locals also came all the way to see it.. this shows how rare cherry blossom is and hw short their blooming period is. Did something really daring today was that we gals wore colourful leggings... something seriously we wun do back in SIngapore. We thought it would be normal but OMG!!! we are like center of attraction can... 4 of us couldnt stand together cos it will really attract lots of attention, so we keep walking away from each other or keep a distance.. damn funny but a super fun experience... Today i also learnt that communication is such an important thing, a minor communication breakdown could led us to fork out RMB150 for a less than 2 hour trip.. expensive can.. haiz... anyway, just treat that we are sitting in "chartered" car specially for us.

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