Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 5 - 8th March (Lesson & Snowing)

Today weather was like freezing cold... Lesson officially start today and i can only say that almost everyone is having Monday Blues due to the fun we had past few days. Lunch Break at 11am and we went to a freezing cold canteen to have damn oily fried rice and spoons were not available when we were having fried rice on PLATES and SOUP!!!

Lesson ended at 4pm and the whole class stayed back to discuss about the performance that we're going to come up for the local students here on wed. Around late evening, while we were on our way to dinner, IT ACTUALLY SNOWED!!! We have been looking forward for it to snow even since we touched down. We went to have a quick dinner at a nearby fast food restaurant where we are their ONLY customer... but the food was not too bad just like KFC in Singapore.

I was really excited today as it snowed! Although it look just like dandruff but still its pretty and still very very cold. For the performance wise, all 21 of us actually requested to have a combined performance instead of having it done group by group with only 4 members, feel quite pathetic. I think that all of us are actually quite united in working towards the same goal and i believe we will be able to work better with more upcoming projects.

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