Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 27 – 30th March (Getting prepared & Nothing else)

After resting for a day, lesson resume today and we totally didnt feel like going for lesson.... Got back the written test result and i think i didnt score too well.... shall buck up and stop slacking already. Got more past year papers from Ms Neo for us to practise for our upcoming practical test on thur. It may be a very easy task, just sitting down and just clicking but to complete the paper, it actually took us hours can!!! Went out for lunch cos we had miss the "perfect" timing to eat fried rice in the school canteen.

BAck for lesson and Ms Neo started on Chap 7 which is on Leadership and Motivation. I can say i enjoy this lesson very much because its unlike other chapters which are very dry, chap 7 is actually very interesting in understanding different types of leaders and get to know more about the qualities. Ms Neo had also made the lesson very interesting by getting us engaged in it. Lesson ended as usual and we gals decided to go out to replenish our "stocks" even though its drizzling outside.

Back in dorm drenched, prepared our dinner(instant noodle) and watch a Hong Kong Comedy while eating... nice movie anyway!!! BAck to work immediately, did some project discussion and practise for the practical test...

Didnt experience anything happening today, just typical schooling day. Lesson was very interesting as mentioned above and i like the way Ms Neo conduct this lesson :D Learn more about what a leaders sld have and make me realise they are much more as a leader and i could actually implement what i have learnt in lesson today to my friends and juniors which i think would be very very useful like how im feeling nw!

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