Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 25 – 28th March (Conquering Wu Dang Mountain & Back to Dorm)

Woke quite early, didnt wan to wake up cos the bed is just so COMFORTABLE(compared to those mattress in our dorm. Breakfast at 7am so wash up quickly and step out realising that most of their rooms didnt have electricity and water so some gals came to our room to finish whateva they didnt. Went for breakfast, as expected not very tasty but still ate a little cos we need ENERGY to CONQUER WUDANG SHAN later!!!!

Deposited our bags in the hotels lobby and surprisely, most of us are going to climb the mountain. Cos due to bad weather, many people were nt feeling well and many thought of giving up climbing but alot still went... cool!!! Good Job OIP Batch 4!!!

Off we went to start our journey, at first we were still like tourist taking pictures, chit-chatting and gossiping away and thought it was so easy cos we keep walking down the stairs. But.... few minutes later, every one start conserve their energy and concentrate on climbing.. 1/5 thru, we started to feel tired cos we climb up lots and lots of stairs and the air was very thin... those who couldnt take it took rest and the others proceed on...... it took us almost 6 hours to reach the golden summit and back to the starting point but its all worth it cos i feel so much achievement after i reach the peak and view there is superb!!

Were a bit off scheduled so we rushed to lunch at around 4pm!! I swear this is the fastest lunch i ever had... feel so stress to rush to eat our lunch... Board back our own tour bus at 4 plus and headed back to dorm... i swear everyone were soooooooo tired after the climb and all slept throughout the whole bus journey... Dorm Sweet Dorm at 10pm, went to bath and tuck myself in bed.

We spent almost the whole day climbing the mountain, i can only say determination is the only thing that can drive you to keep moving on.. At some point of time im so exhausted that i really wanted to give up, really wanted to sit down and ask the rest to carry on.. but there's a voice inside me keep telling me to move on, i wouldnt wan to make this a fruitless trip so i just keep pushing myself for that so many hundreds steps and so many hours.. then next time i knw, im already at the golden summit. The view from the peak was really so nice that i couldnt find any words to describe :D On our way back, i was so surprise to see those dun knw hw many hundreds steps that i took just nw. And hazel keep asking us "is this ur greatest acheivement up till nw", my answer would be YES! OF COURSE!! u wouldnt believe unless u really try it.. our next target would be conquering mount everest!! hahahahha!!!

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