Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 3 - 6th March (Shopping & More Shopping)

Just like the past few days, we woke up early, met up with the local students & they brought us to breakfast. We had hot buns & warm soy bean drink for this chilly morning.

After which, we took a one hour long and packed bus ride to a MEGA shopping mall. The size of the mall is like Singapore's ION + Far East + ION + Far East..... it is so BIG that we spent almost the whole day in it. Our dinner was settled in the mall. SPICY CLAY POT RICE... it was so spicy that quite a few of us couldn't take it and had to keep consuming water.

When the night arrived, we took the packed and "roller coaster" like bus ride back and i spotted something on the way. It is a DANGEROUS SYMBOL!!! As Mr Lim Choon Boo had mentioned to us that finding the DG symbol is very rare in China, so, i was quite surprised to see it.

Today was a shopping day and i can say i really did enjoy myself despite the cold and very cold weather. The local students were also very helpful even during our shopping time as they were helping us to around in getting whatever that we need to buy. For the food wise, although the buns were a bit salty, still, i think it's quite tasty. Dinner was nice too but maybe we were not use to the spiciness of the locals, thus, making the process of eating quite suffering.

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