Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 16 - 19th March (Breakfast & Bus)

It's Friday!!!! Met with the local students for breakfast this morning as most of them either have no lesson or have their lesson in the afternoon.... went to eat porridge for breakfast.... Went back to dorm and get ourselves prepared as we'll be going on cruise for 3DAYS!!!! Bought lots of food over (just in case)which makes us looks like as if we were going to run away from home :D Assembled at 1PM, surprisingly, most of us looks exactly the same (going to run away from home), big and small bags all over... Board the bus AND!!! it will took us an hour just to drive out of Wuhan and another few more hours to get to Yi Chang(宜昌) and from there we will board the cruise. Damn tired can!!!!! the bus was a bit squeezy so it was quite uncomfortable to sit for many hours... :(

On the way, we stop by a few stops to take toilet breaks and also have our dinner at a hotel. To get to the dock, we will have to pass by various tunnels and highways specially built to shorten the journey to get to the dock, and the tour guide also introduce the place as it is the hometown for the famous poet, Qu Yuan. Reached the dock and its already NIGHT TIME!!!! can u imagine how long we had been on the bus!!!

Board the cruise like FINALLY and went to settle down in our own room. It's a little better than expected but the toilet is just too too too small as we have difficulty bathing inside. The cruise set off and off we go to the 3 gorges!!!!

Never been on the bus for soooooooo long... didn't know that we'll be so tired even by sitting in the bus..... First time on this kind of cruise trip, and before going on this trip, we had heard that the living condition there are poor and dun put high expectation on it. We even heard from the local students that there might be RATS!!!OMG!!! So we were kind of like already prepared for the worst.. but thank god!! its really alot better than expected maybe because for this batch,as told by Ms Neo, all these trips were booked through travel agency, so will be better than previous batch which were arranged by the school. Didn't expect that i would be able to be on the hometown of Qu Yuan, whom story i read from off Chinese textbook. Also, if i didn't remember wrongly, it's also the hometown of one of the four beauties, Wang Zhao Jun. Going to enjoy my days on board...... :D

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