Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 15 - 18th March (Presentation & Pizza hut)

Presentation Day!!!! This is our first presentation in China, look forward but nervous at the same time. This is the first time that i worked with other group mates and come up with the presentation. Well, at first i wasn't too stress about the presentation thing, but today!!! i was so stressed up cos after seeing 3 groups present, i realised there are lots of info we miss out and also spotted a few of our mistakes. So i wasn't satisfied with my performance today, sure can be better!!!

Lesson ended at noon as we need to buy necessities that will be needed when we go on cruise tmr to visit the three gorges. We'll be away for 3days 2nights and we were told that the food on board might not be to our liking so off we go to Wal-mart @ shopping mall (销品贸) to buy bread,water,snacks etc....Went to have our lunch first at pizza hut..( if you realised, we tend to try out all those fast food in China which we can find in Singapore and see if there's any difference :P) We ordered 3 large pizza, a small pizza, soups, beverages and desserts cos we thought the portion would be quite small but bUT BUT!!! their portions are like so LARGE that we end up filling very bloated.. Guess wad!! the 7 of us only spent like RMB500 for all those we ordered and its considered quite cheap when you see the portions/quantity...

Came back around evening, rush to complete the project due at 2359... decided to stay awake throughout the night as we'll be meeting the local students for breakfast at 8am the following day (were afraid that we might overslept heheheheh....:P)

Presentation today wasn't quite wad i expected... make me realised that there are still lots of things for me to read up and understand... but i think after roughly getting the idea of wad is expected from us, i believe our next presentation can be lots better. And through this project, i get to know a bit more on how my other group members work and thus, our next project together will be more effective and efficient. Pizzas today was nice although its our most expensive meal we ever took since we reach China and and and.... we really like to shop at wal-mart/supermarkets. we can spend like few hours in the stores to get our stuff. Partly its because of the large area and also, we just have so much things to buy!!!

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