Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 7 - 10th March (Lesson & Replenish)

Today is just like usual, lesson at 9am all the way to 4pm. Sent our clothes to laundry again after lesson. It's just a week and we have already sent our clothes for washing twice!!

Went back to dorm to clean up our messy room and chill awhile before joining the guys for dinner at a nearby fast food restaurant, named CNHLS. After that we went to replenish our stocks like mineral water, which is so essential as Wuhan is so dry, fruits, snacks and A FULL LENGTH MIRROR! Hahahaha.....gals are so vain as u can see, we just feel that the bathroom mirror is just not enough for us...heheheh.. so we just went to get one which costs us only RMB18!! considered cheap though!

Nothing happening today, lesson as usual. Learn a bit more but still feel very very tired during lesson time and i dun know y... maybe cos im still in holiday mood and the weather here is like very very cold!! Tried different kind of local food we can find here and more to come....Will be having our IS lesson soon, quite looking forward to eat and i think me and my roommates had gradually turn our dorm into something like our rooom, comfortable! :D


  1. Hi Eline, what is the figure "35" doing in the photo that you have posted in the space above. Is there something that you want to be reminded about? Regards, Lim Choon Boo

    PS: All those stuff for 35RMB? Did I guess correctly? Ha ha.

  2. Hi Mr Lim, for ur info, the "35" is actually the number tag cos there still some side dishes waiting to be serve and the meal only cost us 60RMB for 2 sets.
