Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 20 – 23th March (Raining & Delivery)

It’s raining today!! Did I mention before that it actually turn a little warmer the past few days but today, the temperature seems to decrease again :( due to the rain maybe? Anyway, its cold and raining today morning and we have to shelter ourselves to the class. Like selling umbrellas, there are all sorts of umbrellas drying in one corner of the classroom.

We learnt something new in PM lesson today, Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). It involves formulae, a little like AStats, which we had learnt before. So, its actually not that alien to me. Did some exercises to refresh what we had learnt so far and lesson ended at 4pm and its still RAINING!!!

Dinner was a little different from other days cos….. we make the food come to us instead hahahhahah…. Its still raining outside and its chilly so we decided to call KFC delivery. Well, actually we search through the web for KFC delivery number but cant seems to find it. Then the local students told us to call a number which is equivalent to *100 in Singapore (for those who dun knw its actually a phone no. directory). We gt KFC delivery no. and placed our orders with MUCH EFFORTS. Cos it’s all in Chinese and I can only say even though I speak and understand Chinese, given their accent and speed, I still have to listen attentively if not I would not be able to catch wad they wan to say. Delivery came shortly after I’ve made the call, around 20 mins or less damn efficient! But, there is an inaccuracy of order!! They delivered lesser items than wad we ordered so I got to call the delivery hotline again to ask for my missing order…. They delivered the missing items but than…. The deliveryman sort of like beg us to withdraw the complaints as it’s the deliveryman’s first day of work… but the problem is I DIDN’T LODGE A COMPLAINT!! So we were guessing maybe the phone call that I made just now “automatically” file a complaint for me. So, without the intention of lodging the complaint, I called back the same hotline and asked them to withdraw this issue. She didn’t gave me an answer instead just told me its noted, so in the end im still not sure if this issue is settled anot….

Experience wad does Ms Grace means by saying that Wuhan's weather fluctuate a lot. Just when I thought it is going into spring, there comes the rain and back to winter again…. Its our first experience calling fast food delivery in foreign country.. very special experience but its kind of suffering having to place order in Chinese :( but still i've tried my best and the order did came hahahahha... Didnt know that they will file a complaint just because i called back to ask about my missing orders so its kind of scary u know if the deliveryman really got sack because of our orders.... so sinful....

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