Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 18 - 21th March (3 Gorges & Dorm Sweet Dorm)

Woke up at 530am and...... WE ARE STILL AT THE 5TH GATE(which is the last gate)!!!! Over the night and we still at the "dam" thing... hahahh !!! can u imagine how long it is!!!! Anyway, breakfast at the same time, 630am, eating almost the same thing as the previous day and we are alighting at 7am which marked the end of our stay in the cruise. First station after alighting which is our last stops for the trip, is the 3 gorges exhibition centre.

We visited 3 sites within the area. First, is the 3 gorges project model room, where model of the dam is being displayed. The tour guide also explain to us how the dam has helped in the flooding issue around the area and also how the dam operate. We were then given around 30 mins to tour the area ourselves and this means its time for ....... group pics!!! the view from the top was nice as we were able to view the whole dam thing but due to the large crowd, its quite difficult to really get a nice group pics.

Secondly, we took a shuttle bus for 5 mins and we arrive at 185 station where we get to see the close up of the dam which is really near.. just in front of us.. due to the fog we didnt get to see the whole dam thing very clearly.

Last stop, we went to a monument park where there is a theatre on the construction of the dam, large sculptures to resemble the work of building the dam and also the labours. We spent around 30 mins in the park and then boarded the shuttle bus and back to our own coach. From there, we head back to Wuhan and this is when all of us slept all the way through the long hours journey before arriving at a hotel's restaurant for our lunch. Board back the bus and WAY BACK TO OUR DORM!!!!

I am really really impressed by the dam thing. Be it the structure, design or the people that actually came up with this thing. Through this trip i learnt alot not only academically but also personally. This 3 gorges trip is something i would share with my family and tell them the pros and cons of this dam thing and i feel so proud to be able to see it myself. Also, i've nv been on cruise for such long period of time (maybe i've been on one before but that's long ago), and although the motion sickness had spoil most of my touring's mood, i do enjoy myself and able to survive even when the condition wasn't really to the superb standard. Prove to my family wrong that im not just a gal that has to live a luxury life :D

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