Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 19 - 22th March (IS & Special Guest)

Woke up a little early even though IS lesson today was at 1pm.. got a little bit headache maybe due to the motion sickness yesterday.. Anyway, went for our 2nd IS lesson taught by Ms Zhang and the topic today is "Doing Business In China". U may think that whats the use of teaching us how to establish business in China when we are still students. Well, like wad Ms Zhang told us, u never know in future, one day, this topic might actually be put into good use when we step into the society or trying to do business in China. Lesson was quite interesting today as we learnt quite alot which makes us understand more about China. One topic taught today which i find it very interesting is about the business culture in China. Here are some points extracted from the lesson:

- Be aware of all favors done for you and prepare to respond in kind.
- In China, business relationships are personal relationships; establish a trusting -personal relationship that demonstrates your respect
- Business cards are important, especially in Chinese
- Become friends with local influential officials

- Avoid unintentional criticism of others.
- Don't poke fun at someone, even if in fun.
- Don't be the first to reach for a restaurant bill

Some points are actually quite similar to us but of course, there are points that are different and also interesting at the same time. Another point that are find "special" or rather "amazing" is their table manners.

- It will be appreciated if you use chopsticks. When you are finished eating, place your chopsticks on the table or a chopstick rest.
- Placing your chopsticks parallel on top of your bowl is believed to bring bad luck.
- Sticking your chopsticks straight up in your rice bowl is considered rude because in this position, they resemble the joss sticks that are used in Chinese religious rituals.
- Do not put the end of the chopstick in your mouth.

Spot anything similar to wad u knw or spot anything different from us? Anyway, from wad i knw, normally, we will place chopsticks parallel on top of your bowl after we finish eating, didnt know that it will really bring bad luck!!! OMG!!!

There is a guest making a special appearance today... Mr Foo, Deputy principal of NP!!! He drop by to speak to us, asking us if we are able to adapt and also share some interesting things he encounter here. After which, we went back to dorm to rest and dinner is on TAN SI HAO!!! Y? Because...... this boy got GPA 4 and according to Chinese culture (like wad Chao ran and Ji Long has treated us when they receive their book prize), he decided to treat us and also the local students at the same restuarant. Thanks boy and also congratulation!!!!

Was really nervous when i heard that the deputy principal is coming to address us. thought it would be like a very formal kind of dialogue session but surprisely, he was warm and humourous. I was thinking that maybe most NP students by the end of 3 year in NP, might not even know who the principal or the deputy principal is, thus, i feel very very honoured that i've met the deputy prinicipal. Ms Zhang's lesson today was very interesting as compared to her first lesson. Through her lesson, i could know more about the Chinese's culture as stated in my learning plan. And thanks to Si hao, we had a very delicious dinner despite the headache which was killing me the whole night. One dish to recommend today - ba si xiang jiao (拔丝香蕉) which is fried banana but its different to the goreng pisang we have back in Singapore. Banana was fried and then covered with sugar and malt. Super Nice Dessert!!!!

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