Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 9 - 12th March (Steel Factory & IS Lesson)

Visiting the steel factory today..Met at 8:10am @ classroom to collect helmet.. super early as can see from everyone sleepy face. Board the bus at 8:30 and proceed to the factory which was less than 30 mins from campus. To our surprise, this was actually quite an interesting trip! We all thought it will gonna be boring but the process of making steel actually did amazed us. From burning, flattening, coiling to wrapping, all these process took us approximately 2 hours to finish viewing. Went back school around noon to have lunch before our first IS lesson in Wuhan starts! Ms Zhang, our IS lecturer thought us about the history of China. On our first lesson, we learnt about the different province in China, different dynasties of China and also important peoples that make an impact on today's China. Lesson got a bit bored halfway thru and most of us were feeling very tired maybe due to waking up early for the Steel Factory trip.

Reflection Really experience lots today but dun know y i still feel that we are here for holiday instead of lessons. Maybe its not too bad having fun while on a studying trip. Steel factory was really fun, seeing something that we dun get to see everyday but the helmet was really getting on my nerve as it just cant seems to fit in nicely to my head and i have to keep holding on to it so that it won't fall back. Overall- Fruitful but exhausted day!!!

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