Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 2 - 5th March (Intro & Xploring)

Woke up, wash up, assembled and we were led by our lecturers to the lecture block and also our classrooms. We got to meet Ms Grace, which will be teaching us IS module. After which, we were allowed to roam around the building, exploring the teacher's staff room and also some of the computer labs. We were also brought around the campus to familiarize with the surrounding and finally settled down in the school canteen around noon for our lunch.

As our lesson has been postponed for that afternoon, after lunch, we proceed back to our dorm to wash up and went out to explore the nearby streets. We tasted some local delicacy and went to the supermart to stock up food/snacks/necessarties.

Around evening time, we met up with the local students here and went out to have HOTPOT for dinner together!

The spacious school canteen its almost the same size or even bigger then NP Makan Place. It provides variety of food and i spotted that most of the students there order a dish together with a bowl of rice only. I also found out from the local students that they don't eat hotpot/steamboat together with rice unlike Singaporeans. They have their own specialty sauces like peanut sauce and sesame sauce to go with it. I was really fasinated by the food culture that they have here and looking forward to find out more.....

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