Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 10 - 13th March (Yellow Crane Tower & Lute Platform)

Its Saturday and we are going on an excursion to Yellow Crane Tower & Lute Platform. First stop, Yellow Crane Tower, the place or in fact the streets are filled with oriental ambience. The tour guide brings us around and explains about the origin of the tower and y it became so famous. After which, we were allowed to explore the 5 storey tower ourselves and capture nice scenery.

We were then brought to a five-star hotel’s restaurant to have our lunch and proceed to Lute Platform, also known as 古琴台, where we learn about the friendship between Boya and Ziqi. It was like a small wax museum and not too far away from the Yellow Crane Tower.
Our last stop was at a park where we were told that if we were to completely finish walking the park, it will take us approximately 2HOURS!!! So its free and easy time! We can roam around to anywhere we wan and meet back in bus at 4pm. So, a group of us went to a nearby café and have a drink as we were too tired to continue walking.

Read stories about the Yellow Crane Tower and Gu Qing Tai before but didn’t really left a great impression on me until after the trip today. Really enjoyed myself as all these really trigger the time when I read about it and now im actually seeing it in real and not just pictures on the book. The park was really pretty, very different from what we’ll see in Singapore. Cos in Singapore, its just green!

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