Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 12 - 15 March (IS & Special Dinner)

Today it’s our first IS lesson taught by Ms Grace, it’s a little different from what we were taught last week by Ms Zhang although both teaches us about the history and culture of Wuhan and China. Ms Grace has impressed me with her fluent English and she even drew a map on the board to show us where we can eat all local delicacies that she recommend like hot dry noodle (热干面) and Wuchang fish (武昌鱼). Lesson ended around 12 and Mr Phoon, MDE director, was suppose to meet us for a small talking session but due to his busy schedule, the session was called off. A few groups stayed back after class to discuss about the upcoming project due on Thursday. Just as we are thought that Mr Poon would not meet us today, he made a small surprise visit during our discussion time!!!

After which we all went back to the dorm and get some rest. Just before dinner time, Chao Ran and Ji Long called and said that they will be treating us for dinner tonight as they received BOOK PRIZE for good academic results!!! CONGRATZ GUYS!!! They had booked 2 tables in a nearby small restaurants, one for us and the other for their roommates. Well, I guessed all of us were very happy for them and we enjoyed the day as much as they do.

Did not have the chance to meet Mr Poon before and today was the first time we met him in a very “informal way”(all of us were all over the room doing our own group discussion). He walked to us and asked us how we find the life here and whether we can adapt to it so far. It’s just a very simple question yet I feel so much warmth in it, maybe I have start to miss Singapore….. Alright happy stuff now! Really feel so happy for the Chao ran and Ji Long and just recently, we got to know their results were actually very good or I can say its excellent!!! Thanks for the dinner guys!! Didn’t know they could be clever and also fun at the same time..

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