Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 29 – 1st April (Practical Test & Preparing a Surprise)

The day finally arrived!!! It practical test today, consolidating what we have learnt for the past few weeks. Entered the classroom feeling nervous, cos Ms Neo told us the paper would be much more difficult than the paper that we did :X DIE! Sat according to groups and start the test. Hours later the test ended and i feel so relief.. hahahha... i think i did not bad as i know what to do for the entire paper, of cos there are parts where im lost and stuck. But this does nt affect me cos i have done my best. Went to PALA again for lunch till 2pm before heading back to class for our last chap.

After lesson we felt so relaxed so we decided to go shopping again at JiangHan Lu. Other than shopping for our own stuff, we were on a task.. hahahahha that is to get a birthday gift. So, the malay guys join us for the shopping trip and we ate very nice dumplings :D We shopped in ATM the whole night... can u imagine how much stuff there is in that shopping mall that can led us to spend money like nobody business... everyone came out with something and content can be seen on our faces. But..... its after that we realise a bag of clothes worth RMB140 went missing, we went back to the mall and search up and down but our efforts were in vain. Most of us thought it might be an April Fool's joke or how we wish this is an April Fool's joke... never mind, what gone is gone, there's nothing we can do. throughout the whole journey back, everyone was quiet. We couldnt carry on the search cos its getting late and we need to be back in the dorm.. ended up, we didnt have time to get our dinner.

Felt so good after prac test and it really prove to me that if i practise, i can really do it. Shopping was fun once again but of course not till the end of the day when the terrible incident befall on us. Today i really had the feeling of falling from heaven to hell. Drastic change. Careless really can led to problems.......

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