Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 34 - 6th April (Final Presentation & End of Lesson)

Woke up early today, wash up and prepare myself for the "BIG DAY" today. Today is the last time we gonna be in the teaching block and also classroom 606 :( Everyone walk in with tired eyes and u can see hw much we had sacrifice for this last and final project. Draw lots again to determine which group to go first, once again Wei QIn represent the group and we got the 4th AGAIN!! FATED EH! So using the "extra" time we have, our group did the last touched up. In order to make our presentation interesting and attractive, Noor and Wei QIn decided to came up with a live advertisement for the products we are promoting. In just shortly few minutes and limited resource, they came up with a wonderful skit which i think really caught the audience attention, Nice work PPL! Overall, Ms Neo praises all groups did well and better than the previous interim presentation. :D

Really big thanks to my group mates.. all of us had contributed and done well. YAY!! I feel that our group really did well cos we attracted the audience attention and Ms Neo didnt prompt us too many questions. All our hardwork is worth it. Thru this project, i feel that teamwork is really very important and essential. Together Everyone Acheive More. THIS IS TEAM! without Noor,Wei Qin and Amanda, i dun think all these would be possible. Thanks guys. This is also my first time working with them and i feel that we really makes a great team! :D last time in block 4 and room 606. will miss it ... very much....

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