Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 40 - 12th April (1 more day & Miss Wong)

Today will be our last night in Wuhan, i remember the first day we arrive and we started counting 40 plus day... now ..... we hate to say its only a day left.... Still feeling sick so couldnt pull myself out from the bed.... did some projects stuff and went jian se er lu to do a last tour before leaving.

Met up with Ms Wong, our Math teacher, at dinner time where she will bring us to the place that she will be staying for the next few months.... only the 7 of us went and luckily we didnt back out if not we will nt enjoy the happy moment we had exploring Ms Wong house.

She then treat us to dinner at a nearby resturant.THANK YOU MS WONG. it is really delicious! After which, a few of us went back to rest while some went to bu xing jie to do some last min shopping...

The local students came over around 10 and we are supposed to give them cards before we leave for SIngapore but some of them were not back yet and couldnt make it to write what they wan to say so we postpone till tmr.. The local students gave us keychains with pictures that we took together. this is when alot of us started crying....and they did too. SInce its the last night in Wuhan, a few of us went out to the backstreets and got food back. ITs the last time we will be eating it so we just buy everything and have SUPPER FEAST!!!

Once again thank you Ms Wong for bringing us to tour her apartment. Its really ncie and cosy. Thank you the local students for all that you all had done for us... I can feel the friendship in us had grown just merely 6 weeks... miss you, we will... theres always another occasion where we will be able to meet again....

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