Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 35 - 7th April (Visiting New Wust & Shopping)

After presentation ytd, we were supposed to be off till the day we are back to Singapore. meaning we do not have any more trips and lessons but....... at the very last minutes, after all plannings had been made, we received news that we will be going on a very last minute trip which is going to the new Wust campus... Assembled at teaching block 4 and board the tour bus. The journey to the new campus was long that most of us fell asleep. Woke up and we reached the new campus. It looks like the campus were built in rural area and very inaccessible. Were shocked to get welcome by a group of students, each of them being assigned to every one of us.

Our journey to the school starts and performance were brought up for us and in return, we also came up with a performance. We were then brought to their school library where we get to know more about their school history and also models to show the old Wust campus and new Wust campus. After which, our tour guide will bring us around the campus, showing us the different buildings and stuff before heading to their canteen for lunch. Interaction games were prepared after that for us and also our tour guide to play with us. LAstly, we were brought to the medical school to visit their lab displaying preserved human parts.

My tour ended with much discomfort upon seeing the displayed. Went back dorm and then went out shopping in Guang gu again. this would be my last time coming here already :(

Didnt know y izzit neccessary for us to visit their new campus at first but really did enjoy myself after that. My tour guide were rather quiet but i tried to speak to her, asking her questions. But when my questions ran out this is when the awkward came.....The displays were interesting but of cos after knowing there all actually from real human body really creep me. Went to Guang Gu for the last time to buy all the things that i had eyed on previously and also to get gifts for my family.....

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