Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 31 – 3rd April (Hu Bei Museum & East Lake)

It's our last trip today. Woke real early to prepare our lunch cos we were informed that lunch will not be provided. So we girls prepared the lunch (without kitchen and proper utensils, mart rite?) but even though we woke early we are still late :x Y? because Mr Tan Si Hao were happily sleeping in his room instead of coming up to help us when he got a part to eat too... but he paid half of the fine cos he knew he is half of the cause y we were late... hahahahha! thanks ah!

Board the tour bus for the last time and shocked to see we are the most prepared ones for lunch.. hahhahha! Reached Hu Bei Musuem and start to queue before we can get in. We were given time on our own to tour around different galleries and were mostly artifacts dug from the ground in China itself. One and an half hour really isnt enough for us to tour all the galleries cos it is really interesting, every piece of it.

Board back the bus and after 3 mins we arrived at the entrance of Dong Hu. Fast right, cos its just beside it. The tour guide guided us to the first half of the journey, brought us to the pavilion and we will have our lunch there. As we came all prepared, we laid our plastic sheets and sat on the grass patch... very great feel of picnic... ate the food that we prepared the whole morning.. :D

After lunch, its free and easy and we tour east lake. Along the way, there are lots of attraction, like rides and games... so we tried almost every single one of it. Soon after, time for meeting is near and if we carry on walking, we would be late. In order not to be late, we ran to the entrance, damn tired can!!! Take the tour bus back to dorm and its the last time we will be on trip with our tour guide, gonna miss the happy time together.

The crazy 7 of us didnt rest for the day! We went to Guang gu to have a hair makeover.. all of us!!Well, it looks very grand and we spent 4 to 5 hours inside just to get our hair done... i spent around $100 SGD :x!!!!


Last trip already, both happy and sad. Thanks the tour guide alot for taking us throughout all the trips, patient and tolerant with us. Beneficial trip today and i couldnt find any words to describe hw i felt when im in the musuem. Enjoyed myself today and i think my classmates feel the same too.

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