Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 41 - 13th April (Last day in Wuhan & Back in Singapore)

Woke up and still feeling sick.... Came to realise.. we are leaving today :( Suppose to meet the locals for breakfast but couldnt make it on time so ended up they came to help us with our luggages.... They even went to get breakfast for us but they bought too much that we cant finish at all..OMG.. so touched can... We carried the heavy luggages onto the bus with them helping and its time to bid goodbye already.. a few of us started crying.... i have to endure so as not to let my tears roll down...

We hugged them and bid them goodbye... never know when will be the next time we meet. Bus to airport as usual slept all the way... Checked in our luggages smoothly, catch a quick bite and board the plane to GuangZhuo. In the first place, we were told that we need not take our luggages and check in again during transit. but it became a different story. When we arrive, we need to take our luggages travel very far and check in again... chaotic can.... ended up we were late and the plane got delayed for 2 hours which mean we will arrive at 10 plus.. OMG!!!

Arrived safely in Singapore, saw some classmates and my family.. Miss them lots!!! Collected all baggages and we 03 walk out to get welcome by our friends and family... it jsut feels good to be home.. Since its late, we all went home straight and got to rest for the day.............

This will be the last post. I miss my life over at Wuhan, I miss the crazy days i spent with my trip mates but still i wan to be back at home with my friends and family... i wan to thank everyone whom had helped me or us during this trip.... we enjoyed it truthfully... from not looking forward to not bearing to come home.... what we experience over there couldnt be felt through writing of blogs... there are much more to explore out there and i think you sld be in it urself... You nv try, you nv know.......

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 40 - 12th April (1 more day & Miss Wong)

Today will be our last night in Wuhan, i remember the first day we arrive and we started counting 40 plus day... now ..... we hate to say its only a day left.... Still feeling sick so couldnt pull myself out from the bed.... did some projects stuff and went jian se er lu to do a last tour before leaving.

Met up with Ms Wong, our Math teacher, at dinner time where she will bring us to the place that she will be staying for the next few months.... only the 7 of us went and luckily we didnt back out if not we will nt enjoy the happy moment we had exploring Ms Wong house.

She then treat us to dinner at a nearby resturant.THANK YOU MS WONG. it is really delicious! After which, a few of us went back to rest while some went to bu xing jie to do some last min shopping...

The local students came over around 10 and we are supposed to give them cards before we leave for SIngapore but some of them were not back yet and couldnt make it to write what they wan to say so we postpone till tmr.. The local students gave us keychains with pictures that we took together. this is when alot of us started crying....and they did too. SInce its the last night in Wuhan, a few of us went out to the backstreets and got food back. ITs the last time we will be eating it so we just buy everything and have SUPPER FEAST!!!

Once again thank you Ms Wong for bringing us to tour her apartment. Its really ncie and cosy. Thank you the local students for all that you all had done for us... I can feel the friendship in us had grown just merely 6 weeks... miss you, we will... theres always another occasion where we will be able to meet again....

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 39 -11th April (Raining & Sick)

Rain today and got up with a very very bad sore throat and flu... Last few days and im sick :( Didnt have any plans today so just stayed in the dorm to touched on some project stuff. Went out with the group to film so clip needed for the movie. Got back around evening time and its time for me to rest. Did nothing much today but rest cos im seriously sick till the max. All i can do nw is sleep sleep and sleep.

Few of my friends went to guang gu again to re-do their hair, didnt want to go cos i really need to rest instead of getting myself shivering out in the cold.... :( Bad day....

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 38 - 10th April (Shopping and counting down)

A few days left and we will be back in Singapore, gonna miss here. Shopping today again, wanted to get printed tees for our classmates back in Singapore but the local students couldnt find the place and also the perfect pricing. So we gave up the idea and decided to get them other stuff instead. This would be my last time coming to Bu Xing Jie, walk the whole day but found out that there's nothing for me to buy already. Nothing in particular. So just spent my day accompany my friends in doing their shopping.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 37 - 9th April (Friendly Match & Farewell Dinner)

Friendly match today with the local students, organised by the students. Its a small scale one due to time constraints. Went to support the guys and wei qin and were shocked to see the local students were huge in size and taller than our guys. They were also very good in basketball while our guys were only good in soccer.

The local students were quite rough during the game. i thought its suppose to be a friendly match??? So, true enough after a few mins wen jie were knocked onto the ground.... dman pain can... but he didnt hurt himself so he got up and carry on. Our scores were lagging behind the locals team. Not long after Si Hao sprained his ankle and were in pain. His ankle were swollen and couldnt walk properly. He was carried to the school hospital and i tagged along. The doctor claimed that he need an X-ray and he had to be brought to the nearest hospital as the school doesnt have the facilites. With no choice, i had to call Ms Neo and informed her. She got here asap to check on Si Hao and called the wust stuff to send us to the nearest hospital. As we might need guys to carry SI hao around, Chao ran and Ji Long followed us. So we spent a few hours in the hospital getting up and down, left and right. Finally, the doctor just said its a minor sprained and no bandage is needed... this is when i realised the dorm keys are all with me :x how are the gals and guys going to get back if their keys are all with me? So we went back after all procedures were done and brought Si Hao back to dorm and rest. Around 1pm the guys and gals came back from loitering outside for few hours.. Sorry Ppl!

We gals went out to have a badminton session but realised the wind is nt in our favour so we went back to dorm to dress up for farewell dinner. I swear we were damn formal and others were like casual.... we make it so grand can.... anyway the 15 course meals were just delicous and this is the occasion where we show our gratitude to all whom has helped us along the way.....

Brand new experience today in going to the local hospital. Thank god Si hao injury wasnt too serious. Dinner was nice and i bet everyone enjoyed ourselves and our last official meetings with all wust stuffs and students. THANK YOU!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 36 - 8th April (Shopping and Shopping again)

Yes! Once again we were out for shopping. these time round we were out to get stuffs to bring back as a gifts for our family and friends. Woke a little later, bus-ed and ate lunch at pizza hut!! this would be the last time already :( Brought our stuffs and around evening time, we gals decided to go Jianghan lu and make our NAILS!!!So off we go and get our nails beautifully done before continuing our shopping at bu xing jie.

Shopping never fails to brighten up our days and manicure today was superb too. I merely spent RMB70 for the nails and service that i would nv receive in Singapore at such a cheap rates. :D

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 35 - 7th April (Visiting New Wust & Shopping)

After presentation ytd, we were supposed to be off till the day we are back to Singapore. meaning we do not have any more trips and lessons but....... at the very last minutes, after all plannings had been made, we received news that we will be going on a very last minute trip which is going to the new Wust campus... Assembled at teaching block 4 and board the tour bus. The journey to the new campus was long that most of us fell asleep. Woke up and we reached the new campus. It looks like the campus were built in rural area and very inaccessible. Were shocked to get welcome by a group of students, each of them being assigned to every one of us.

Our journey to the school starts and performance were brought up for us and in return, we also came up with a performance. We were then brought to their school library where we get to know more about their school history and also models to show the old Wust campus and new Wust campus. After which, our tour guide will bring us around the campus, showing us the different buildings and stuff before heading to their canteen for lunch. Interaction games were prepared after that for us and also our tour guide to play with us. LAstly, we were brought to the medical school to visit their lab displaying preserved human parts.

My tour ended with much discomfort upon seeing the displayed. Went back dorm and then went out shopping in Guang gu again. this would be my last time coming here already :(

Didnt know y izzit neccessary for us to visit their new campus at first but really did enjoy myself after that. My tour guide were rather quiet but i tried to speak to her, asking her questions. But when my questions ran out this is when the awkward came.....The displays were interesting but of cos after knowing there all actually from real human body really creep me. Went to Guang Gu for the last time to buy all the things that i had eyed on previously and also to get gifts for my family.....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 34 - 6th April (Final Presentation & End of Lesson)

Woke up early today, wash up and prepare myself for the "BIG DAY" today. Today is the last time we gonna be in the teaching block and also classroom 606 :( Everyone walk in with tired eyes and u can see hw much we had sacrifice for this last and final project. Draw lots again to determine which group to go first, once again Wei QIn represent the group and we got the 4th AGAIN!! FATED EH! So using the "extra" time we have, our group did the last touched up. In order to make our presentation interesting and attractive, Noor and Wei QIn decided to came up with a live advertisement for the products we are promoting. In just shortly few minutes and limited resource, they came up with a wonderful skit which i think really caught the audience attention, Nice work PPL! Overall, Ms Neo praises all groups did well and better than the previous interim presentation. :D

Really big thanks to my group mates.. all of us had contributed and done well. YAY!! I feel that our group really did well cos we attracted the audience attention and Ms Neo didnt prompt us too many questions. All our hardwork is worth it. Thru this project, i feel that teamwork is really very important and essential. Together Everyone Acheive More. THIS IS TEAM! without Noor,Wei Qin and Amanda, i dun think all these would be possible. Thanks guys. This is also my first time working with them and i feel that we really makes a great team! :D last time in block 4 and room 606. will miss it ... very much....

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 33 – 5th April (Project and more projects)

Its Monday and im having monday blues.... damn tired can... Lesson as usual and this will be the last lecture that we will be having... Lesson ended, went for lunch and all of us rush back to complete our project cos we will be having our final presentation TMR!!!!!!! And, our project was about 60% completed only.. can u imagine doing the project for 7 FOLDERS!!! keep repeating the same steps, found errors, went knocking on Ms Neo's Room door, came back to edit. :( i guess i would have to burn midnight oil today again!!!

Didnt even have time to take pics.. all of us are doing the last touched up now.... this project seriously is killing us...the only time we could take break is during dinner time... spare a little time to take a rest and then back to work again....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 32 – 4th April (Happy Birthday & Jiang Han Lu, Bu Xing Jie)

Its Tan Si Hao Birthday TODAY!!! And for the past few days, we were busy getting his present, buying his cakes and stuff that cause us to be late for 2 consecutive days!

Anyway, we all stayed up till late last night and we called the local students to join us in the surprise too! This is how the plan goes: The local students came to the girls room around 10 plus and stayed in the room waiting for the "perfect" timing. Meow Lin got the Birthday boy to do project in her room so as to keep him occupied. But, this birthday boy keep coming over, knocking on our room door to borrow stuff! The local students got to hide at a corner so as to not let him find out. Thank god he didnt suspect anything. Around 1145pm, we all sneak down to the guys room and hide in the toilet with the cake. Fath will be on his bed faking doing his work when Si hao came knocking on the door. Meow Lin got him down as Jean and Mei Xiu was about to turn in soon(thank jean and mei xiu for the cooperation). Si hao came into the room without suspecting anything and ...... we ALL came out from toilet and Surprise HIM!!! His expression was priceless!! I bet he was touched! After all these surprises, all groups went back to complete the project... spoiler indeed but no choice... spent almost the whole day doing project.... evening time, went to jiang han lu, bu xing jie. Its like pasar malam but the stalls only starts at 6pm onwards... crowded but we manage to get lots of things.. yay!!

HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY TAN SI HAO! Hope he really enjoyed his special day although we were all doing projects. Was very happy that the plan did went well. Miles away from family and on his special day, i hope we make him feel at home as if his family were here to celebrate with him. :D

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 31 – 3rd April (Hu Bei Museum & East Lake)

It's our last trip today. Woke real early to prepare our lunch cos we were informed that lunch will not be provided. So we girls prepared the lunch (without kitchen and proper utensils, mart rite?) but even though we woke early we are still late :x Y? because Mr Tan Si Hao were happily sleeping in his room instead of coming up to help us when he got a part to eat too... but he paid half of the fine cos he knew he is half of the cause y we were late... hahahahha! thanks ah!

Board the tour bus for the last time and shocked to see we are the most prepared ones for lunch.. hahhahha! Reached Hu Bei Musuem and start to queue before we can get in. We were given time on our own to tour around different galleries and were mostly artifacts dug from the ground in China itself. One and an half hour really isnt enough for us to tour all the galleries cos it is really interesting, every piece of it.

Board back the bus and after 3 mins we arrived at the entrance of Dong Hu. Fast right, cos its just beside it. The tour guide guided us to the first half of the journey, brought us to the pavilion and we will have our lunch there. As we came all prepared, we laid our plastic sheets and sat on the grass patch... very great feel of picnic... ate the food that we prepared the whole morning.. :D

After lunch, its free and easy and we tour east lake. Along the way, there are lots of attraction, like rides and games... so we tried almost every single one of it. Soon after, time for meeting is near and if we carry on walking, we would be late. In order not to be late, we ran to the entrance, damn tired can!!! Take the tour bus back to dorm and its the last time we will be on trip with our tour guide, gonna miss the happy time together.

The crazy 7 of us didnt rest for the day! We went to Guang gu to have a hair makeover.. all of us!!Well, it looks very grand and we spent 4 to 5 hours inside just to get our hair done... i spent around $100 SGD :x!!!!


Last trip already, both happy and sad. Thanks the tour guide alot for taking us throughout all the trips, patient and tolerant with us. Beneficial trip today and i couldnt find any words to describe hw i felt when im in the musuem. Enjoyed myself today and i think my classmates feel the same too.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 30 – 2nd April (Coke Factory Visit & Project Preparation)

Its Friday.. Yay!!! And we are visiting coke factory today... must assemble at the teaching block at 830am, we gals wake early but we are still late (u will get to know y later) so we have to pay RMB10, sorry to those in the bus and waiting for us... Not long after we reach the factory and we were welcomed by a representative whom led us to the media room to watch a clip on coke's history.

After which, she led us to the gallery room where we can view the process of manufacturing but sad to say, there isnt any orders today thus, no process was in operations. All we can see are the machines and the representative explained to us how coke is being manufactured.

Board the tour bus, head back to school. Lunched at back street and all of us had to put our head into our final project presentation. I swear this project is really getting on our nerves.. every steps we carry out makes us realised more mistake we make... so we had to keep amending it... its not going to end!!!


Was a bit dissappointed with the tour today... cos we didnt get to see the real manufacturing process. All we can see is machine and some employees cleaning up the place and machinery... all we could do is imagine how the process would be and also the verbal description by the representative.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 29 – 1st April (Practical Test & Preparing a Surprise)

The day finally arrived!!! It practical test today, consolidating what we have learnt for the past few weeks. Entered the classroom feeling nervous, cos Ms Neo told us the paper would be much more difficult than the paper that we did :X DIE! Sat according to groups and start the test. Hours later the test ended and i feel so relief.. hahahha... i think i did not bad as i know what to do for the entire paper, of cos there are parts where im lost and stuck. But this does nt affect me cos i have done my best. Went to PALA again for lunch till 2pm before heading back to class for our last chap.

After lesson we felt so relaxed so we decided to go shopping again at JiangHan Lu. Other than shopping for our own stuff, we were on a task.. hahahahha that is to get a birthday gift. So, the malay guys join us for the shopping trip and we ate very nice dumplings :D We shopped in ATM the whole night... can u imagine how much stuff there is in that shopping mall that can led us to spend money like nobody business... everyone came out with something and content can be seen on our faces. But..... its after that we realise a bag of clothes worth RMB140 went missing, we went back to the mall and search up and down but our efforts were in vain. Most of us thought it might be an April Fool's joke or how we wish this is an April Fool's joke... never mind, what gone is gone, there's nothing we can do. throughout the whole journey back, everyone was quiet. We couldnt carry on the search cos its getting late and we need to be back in the dorm.. ended up, we didnt have time to get our dinner.

Felt so good after prac test and it really prove to me that if i practise, i can really do it. Shopping was fun once again but of course not till the end of the day when the terrible incident befall on us. Today i really had the feeling of falling from heaven to hell. Drastic change. Careless really can led to problems.......