Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 41 - 13th April (Last day in Wuhan & Back in Singapore)

Woke up and still feeling sick.... Came to realise.. we are leaving today :( Suppose to meet the locals for breakfast but couldnt make it on time so ended up they came to help us with our luggages.... They even went to get breakfast for us but they bought too much that we cant finish at all..OMG.. so touched can... We carried the heavy luggages onto the bus with them helping and its time to bid goodbye already.. a few of us started crying.... i have to endure so as not to let my tears roll down...

We hugged them and bid them goodbye... never know when will be the next time we meet. Bus to airport as usual slept all the way... Checked in our luggages smoothly, catch a quick bite and board the plane to GuangZhuo. In the first place, we were told that we need not take our luggages and check in again during transit. but it became a different story. When we arrive, we need to take our luggages travel very far and check in again... chaotic can.... ended up we were late and the plane got delayed for 2 hours which mean we will arrive at 10 plus.. OMG!!!

Arrived safely in Singapore, saw some classmates and my family.. Miss them lots!!! Collected all baggages and we 03 walk out to get welcome by our friends and family... it jsut feels good to be home.. Since its late, we all went home straight and got to rest for the day.............

This will be the last post. I miss my life over at Wuhan, I miss the crazy days i spent with my trip mates but still i wan to be back at home with my friends and family... i wan to thank everyone whom had helped me or us during this trip.... we enjoyed it truthfully... from not looking forward to not bearing to come home.... what we experience over there couldnt be felt through writing of blogs... there are much more to explore out there and i think you sld be in it urself... You nv try, you nv know.......